Mods to My B13
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My undercover B13 Rocket
my sentra was originally a 1.6 engine but i totalled that engine in the first couple months, so lucky me, my cousin is a mechanic at a Nissan dealer and he hooked me up with the much better 140 hp Se-r. From there i went crazy with mods and any type of performance part i could add...well afford. Under the hood i had a pacesetter intake and blue NGK spark plug wires with the iridium tipped plugs. Hooked up to the distributor cap was an Msd ignition. these electrical mods made my engine run very smooth and very responsive I took out the airconditioner and the belt attaching it to the engine. Headers from pacesetter and a dynomax exhaust with a chrome bosal tip. used penzoil synthetic oil every other month and cleaned out engine with ZMax a few times and it honestly worked well and i noticed a difference.
Having a B13 sentra is the best thing because no one knows how powerful they are and they are something new compared to seeing the same ole hondas, acuras, and eclipses on the road. Being an individual is what this whole car scene is about anyways so i guess u better start with a car thats different.
My car always shines and even though it was a midnight grey color the ground kit and mesh grill i got from DG racing turned heads, and clear white sidemarkers and tailights from Nisknacks.

My gauges from Import intelligence
Import intelligence is the best spot for custom gauges i had these gauges done in the ying yang design but with a white and metallic blue color scheme. they also carry neon glow needle kits in any color u want. along with japenese spec bluebird engines for the SER capable of 280 hp at about 18 PSI. SERIOUS POWER, so go check them out.

My metallic blue interior
I made my interior one of a kind. It comes complete with blue neon lights under the steering column and glove compartment, blue nissan seat belt pads, petals, steering wheel and even black and blue seats. all interior lights, dome etc. are blue. the pictures a little dark but trust me it's hot. i love the fact that so many people sleep on my car and not only that but hearing the comments of what kind of car is it! Its a sentra and its fast and loud!! SO dont sleep!